Peer to Peer Sharing : In the sea of knowledge, we seek to establish a connection between those seeking for information and those who have the answers sought. Together we may come to a better understanding of the "newly discovered" knowledge that makes the difference.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
18 Oct 2008: Talk on Coping with Glaucoma
Coping with Glaucoma - You are not alone!
Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Conference Room 1 & 2 (Level 1)
Date: 18 October 2008 (Saturday)
Time: 2pm to 4pm
For more details see: FORUM
Yahoo! Search on the top 10 Hits: The World's most talked about events at the moment.
An important element in coping with glaucoma is learning techniques you can do for yourself. ... Author, Coping With Glaucoma - Cached
Edith Marks and Jason Marks, Authors
Coping with Glaucoma ... Reviews: COPING WITH GLAUCOMA " ... Coping With Glaucoma....contains a wealth of information, both basic and - Cached
Glaucoma Service Foundation: Coping With Glaucoma Chat Highlights
Glaucoma Service Foundation to Prevent Blindness provides glaucoma information on diagnosing, testing and treating ... "Coping ... Coping with Glaucoma by - Cached
Glaucoma Support Group : Glaucoma Service Foundation to Prevent ...
Glaucoma Service Foundation to Prevent Blindness provides glaucoma information on ... GlaucoMates share tips about living and coping with glaucoma. Need help? - Cached
Coping with Glaucoma
Coping with Glaucoma. Author: Edith Marks and Rita Mountauredes. ISBN: 089529804X ... book highlights medications and procedures used to treat and diagnose glaucoma. - 88k - Cached
Coping with glaucoma - you are not alone!
248k - Adobe PDF - View as html
A patient forum in English on. Coping with glaucoma - you are not alone! ... glaucoma patients & caregivers. PLACE: Conference Rooms 1 & 2 (next to. Theatrette)
Welcome to Glaucoma Patients Association (Singapore)
Singapore Glaucoma Patients Association ... organising a glaucoma patient forum, Theme: Coping with glaucoma - you are not alone! - Cached
NIHSeniorHealth: Coping with Glaucoma
Video: "Coping with Glaucoma" A man with glaucoma is able to preserve much of his vision ... Video: "Coping with Glaucoma" A man with glaucoma is able to - Cached
Why wait for Cataract,Glaucoma, Lens Implants or laser eye surgery when ... "Coping with Glaucoma" discusses the different types of glaucoma, the connections - Cached
Glaucoma: Symptoms -
Glaucoma — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, treatment of this eye condition that threatens vision. ... Coping and support. Prevention. Symptoms - Cached
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
quarter of a million people with undiagnosed Glaucoma in the UK
Are You 1 in Half a Million?
There are half a million people in the UK with Glaucoma, half of
whom don't know they have the condition and are at risk of losing
their sight unnecessarily. Untreated, Glaucoma leads to
irreversible sight loss; if caught early enough Glaucoma can be
treated, preventing sight loss.
Thursday 6th March is the first World Glaucoma Day. Organisations
such as the Glaucoma Alliance UK are raising awareness of
Glaucoma, what it does to sight and how it might affect you.
So, are you one of the quarter of a million people with
undiagnosed Glaucoma in the UK? Without an eye test you won't
find out until it's too late, Glaucoma doesn't have any symptoms in
its early stages; people can lose up to 40% of their sight before
they realise they have a problem.
Many people are entitled to receive free eye tests. People who are
over 40 and have a close relative with Glaucoma, have diabetes,
are aged 60 or over, who live in Scotland or who themselves or
their partner receive benefits, family credit, pension credit, are all
Don't delay, make 6th March, World Glaucoma Day, the day that
you find out if you are 1 in half a million, get an eye test.
Yours faithfully,
Sir Trevor McDonald OBE
Saturday, March 15, 2008
WGD: Glaucoma Vision

An eye-catching simulation of vision through an eye with advanced, early, or no defects from glaucoma, together with a short explanation of the brain's visual processes leading to these perceptions (submitted by Dr A. Hoste from Belgium and prof. A. Safran from Switzerland)

Glaucoma Vision
A short explanation on the way the brain perceives images from eyes with glaucomatous damage
The images represent the visual field of a left eye. The corresponding results of the visual field test (where blind areas are represented in black) are embedded in the images. A normal test always shows one blind spot: where the optic nerve is attached to the back of the eye, there is no retina and consequently no light perception. Yet, we do not perceive this blind spot because our brain is able to fill it in with colours and patterns from the surrounding areas. The brain uses visual information received from adjacent parts of the image to achieve this.
In the same way, the brain conceals damage caused by glaucoma. In the image representing an early stage of glaucoma, the eye looks to the fixation point in the centre. It does not see the children because they are practically completely located in the blind area. Still you are unaware of any visual problem, due to the filling-in process. Even in a later stage of the disease, the brain is still able to compose a plausible image. The deformations in the periphery remain unnoticed because you are unable to fix your eye on them. You are always looking at the centre of the image, and when you shift your gaze to the periphery, the deformations move with it.
Safran AB, Landis T. Plasticity in the adult visual cortex: implications for the diagnosis of visual field defects and visual rehabilitation. Curr Opin Ophthalmol 1996; 7:53-64.
Ramachandran VS, Gregory RL. Perceptual filling in of artificially induced scotomas in human vision.
Nature 350:699-702, 1991.
Das A, Gilbert CD. Long-range horizontal connections and their role in cortical reorganization revealed by optical recording of cat primary visual cortex. Nature 375:780-4, 1995.
Prissy Place:
World Glaucoma Day: Glaucoma among Malays, Chinese among the highest in the world
Friday, March 14, 2008
Tan Tock Seng Hospital/SAVH: "Dining in the Dark" raises public awareness, provides work opportunities for the blind

Glaucoma is among the top three causes of blindness in Singapore, so the SAVH is running a shorter version of the "Dining in the Dark" programme at Tan Tock Seng Hospital on Saturday as part of World Glaucoma Day.
Glaucoma rate among Malays, Chinese among highest in the world
AsiaOne Health: How glaucoma can make you blind in as little as 2 weeks

350 people attended the 2 sessions held in English and Mandarin
Q&A Session at NUH-GPAS WGD Public Forum on 8 March
What an audience!, some standing for 2 hours to learn more.
Joyce was a hit with the audience of 200 people (Mandarin session)
The GPAS committee beneath a WGD Poster as backdrop
"If detected early, and controlled, it should not affect a person's work life," said Prof Aung.
The lack of public education has prompted organisers of the first World Glaucoma Day, held worldwide tomorrow, to reach out to the public, with talks at venues such as the Alexandra and National University hospitals and the SNEC.
The NUH-GPAS World Glaucoma Day Public Forum at the Central on 8th March 2008 which attracted close to 350 people is one such collaborative efforts between hospitals and patient support groups for increasing awareness of glaucoma to the public and sufferers.
On 29th March 2008 the Glaucoma Patients Association will assist the National University Hospital, Department of Ophthalmology where over 250 pairs of eyes would be screened.
Another hospital, the Tan Tock Seng Hospital collaborated with the Glaucoma Society (Singapore) where 325 people were screened for signs of glaucoma.
Other talks and eye screenings were conducted by the Singapore National Eye Centre, Alexandra Hospital and the Jurong Medical Centre.
AsiaOne Health: You don't have to go blind
Thursday, March 13, 2008
AsiaOne Health: No pain, no symptoms, then you get Blind

Chinese women who are gettting older may also be at a higher risk compared to their male counterparts, said Dr Jovina See, a consultant ophthalmologist and head of glaucoma services at the National University Hospital.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Public Forum on 8 March @ Central: FULL HOUSE

submitted by Dr M Javier Gonzalez Rodriguez from Vigo (Spain)
NUH-GPAS World Glaucoma Day Public Forum:
8 March 2008 at The Central
We like to thank the public for their overwhelming support of our Event this Saturday on 8th March at the Central.
All seats for the forum in both the English & Mandarin Sessions have been taken up.
We will not be able to accept any walk-in participants on the day itself.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
NUH-GPAS World Glaucoma Day Public Forum at The Central on 8 March 2008
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
SAVH joins in the World Glaucoma Day Event [Click Here]

SAVH joins in the World Glaucoma Day Event

In Singapore, Glaucoma is one of the top 3 causes of blindness in adults over 40 years of age.
Eye screening, Talks will be conducted at Tan Tock Seng Hospital by our Eye Specialists. In addition, come join us to experience what is it like to be visually handicapped at our “Dine in the Dark” segment!
WGD Newsletter - 6th Feb 2008 ...[click here]

In Singapore, the GPAS (Glaucoma Patient Association of Singapore)and the Singapore WGD Committee are organizing an impressive number of activities: Screening events at four different Hospitals, some for the entire week; a high-visibility event at the Health Promotion Board; fliers, posters, banners to be distributed nation-wide in Singapore. Find out more from the Guide to WGD Events in Singapore on the GPAS website
Sunday, February 24, 2008
First World Glaucoma Day Observance Ceremony on 6th March 2008
Fax: 6227-7290 or Email:

Sunday, February 17, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
TTSH Public Forum on 8 March 2008
Time Activity
8.30 am Start of Screening
9.30 am – 10.15am Public Talk 1 (details to refer to point 3)
- Patient Experience Sharing (10mins)
- 2 topics to be delivered by 2 doctors (10mins each)
- Q & A (15 mins)
10.30am Opening Ceremony - Opening Address by CEO / CMB (5mins)
- Patient Experience Sharing (10mins)
11.30am – 12.15pm Public Talk 2
- Patient Experience Sharing (10mins)
- 2 topics to be delivered by 2 doctors (10mins each)
- Q & A (15 mins)
12.30pm End of whole event
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
first ever World Glaucoma Day

March 6th, 2008 will be the first ever World Glaucoma Day (WGD), a joint global initiative of the World Glaucoma Association (WGA) & the World Glaucoma Patient Association (WGPA).
Because glaucoma is a progressive disease causing irreversible visual loss, usually without warning until relatively advanced, and because 50% of affected people in the developed world (up to 90% in developing countries) do not know that they have the disease and are therefore not on treatment, community awareness needs to be significantly increased. This includes awareness of the disease and of the need to have regular eye checks, thereby permitting earlier detection and avoidance of what should be preventable visual disability.
This is the ultimate Goal of the World Glaucoma Day: To enhance global glaucoma awareness through novel as well as through traditional or novel communication strategies and events.
Rather than have a single large event held in conjunction with a major Ophthalmic conference, World Glaucoma Day was designed to be the sum total of local activities aiming at increasing glaucoma awareness, such as newspaper articles, radio and television coverage, public glaucoma "screening" campaigns in public places and "open-door" days at glaucoma clinics and departments of ophthalmology. Hundreds of activities have been planned around the World.
- Aids (6)
- AMD (4)
- Articles (9)
- Chinese (3)
- Counselling (1)
- Forum (10)
- General (3)
- Glaucoma (35)
- Malay (1)
- Media (7)
- Medication (3)
- MOH (3)
- Myopia (2)
- Quotes (2)
- sharing session (10)
- Support Groups (11)
- Wills Glaucoma (5)
MEMBER'S LINK (not available yet)
Blog Entries
March 2008
- WGD: Posters Display
- WGD: Glaucoma Vision
- Prissy Place:
- World Glaucoma Day: Glaucoma among Malays, Chinese...
- Tan Tock Seng Hospital/SAVH: "Dining in the Dark" ...
- Glaucoma rate among Malays, Chinese among highest ...
- AsiaOne Health: How glaucoma can make you blind in...
- AsiaOne Health: You don't have to go blind
- AsiaOne Health: No pain, no symptoms, then you get...
- Public Forum on 8 March @ Central: FULL HOUSE
- NUH-GPAS World Glaucoma Day Public Forum at The Ce...
- A partnership with Allergan: DON'T TURN A BLIND EY...
- ► February 2008 (6)
March 2008
- ► December 2007 (2)
- ► October 2007 (3)
- ► September 2007 (2)
- ► August 2007 (1)
- ► April 2007 (9)
- ► March 2007 (6)
- ► February 2007 (26)
- ► January 2007 (30)

About Alpha-C Support Group
- 1. We aim to discuss and formulate effective ways of coping with and managing this disease.
- 2. The group will focus on understanding the disease, adjustment needs and stress management issues.
- 3. We belief that a sound knowledge of glaucoma and its treatment is important to our personal well being.
- 4. We recognise that peer support from people in similar situations is crucial to everyone coping with GLAUCOMA.
A Forum for Glaucoma Patients by Glaucoma Patients ... and those who CARE

Alpha-CARE is Glaucoma CARE